For me it’s a great day today, I received the printed publication of the Canadian Photography magazine with my article submitted last fall. Title on the cover and table of contents! I was lucky again for this to happen, once again, I feel like Forrest Gump, since it was a succession of life’s surprising coincidences.

About Me — Can You Tell Me? Who Am I? That Is the Question Check out Complex Beauty - Emerging from Grays featured on 'Eh Poetry' Podcast - Canadian poems read 3 times, each with a slight difference.

Inkling Whispers - Podcast - Audio of my featured poetry. Complex Beauty - Emerging from Grays published in Fresh Voices My participation in the Writeathon Canada 21-days challenge got me ‘The 21st Century Emily Dickinson Award’ from Bookleaf Publishing.

Official Review

The Online Book Club review team officially reviewed Inkling Whispers! Official Review by That Reviewer ~ Rated 4 out of 4

Medium member since October 2018
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Francine Fallara -

Francine Fallara -

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Passionate, genuine and creative simple girl striving daily to express my inner rebel warrior. Geologist exploring the world for all its natural beauties.